Casablanca Foolproof Vol 12: Success with Bogart 5
Casablanca Expert Tutorial: DVD Arabesk 5 Primer
Casablanca Foolproof Volume 11: Casablanca Eye Candy One
Join Casablanca Expert Chet Davis for a collection of creative applications of Casablanca software called 'Eye Candy' (compatible with both Smart Edit & Bogart OS)
Bogart V4 and the Kitchen Sink: Tutorial DVD Bundle
The Bogart V4 Tutorial DVD Bundle 'Bogart 4 and the Kitchen Sink' is a collection of the Chet Davis' helpful tutorial DVDs that will help you fully understand the power and efficiency in your Casablanca Bogart Video Editor. With 11 total DVDs of instruction from the Casablanca Expert you'll know more about your new Casablanca Bogart OS Video Editor than you thought was possible!
Casablanca Foolproof Volume 9: What's New in Bogart V4
In this double-DVD package Casablanca Expert Chet Davis takes you through the new features and functions found in the Casablanca Bogart Version 4 Operating System.
Casablanca Foolproof Volume 8: Bogart V4 Intensive
In this 6-DVD set, Casablanca expert Chet Davis walks you through the entire Bogart V4 Operating System for the Next Generation Casablanca Video Editor.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Producing Video With HDSLR Cameras
Casablanca Expert Chet Davis is happy to have Sylvain Renaud of Reno Video Productions join us for this 2-part online class where you'll learn the fundamentals of producing video with HDSLR cameras (digital high-resolution single Lens Reflex cameras like the Canon 5D, 7D, T2i, etc.
This lesson is divided into two sessions: 1. Introduction to the technology of HDSLRs, giving those who are used to shooting on a video camcorder an understanding of the gear involved and how to address differences and limitations.
2. Additional information on the use of HDSLR cameras for video production - with a detailed explanation of the work-flow incorporating HDSLR footage into your Casablanca (Bogart OS) editor. The last 30-minutes includes answers to questions from those who were online for the live lesson.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Casablanca Foundations - Project Settings, Monitor Set-up, etc.
In this session, Casablanca Expert Chet Davis shares some of the 'foundational' operations to start a new project on your Casablanca. He will present suggestions & details related to project settings, resolution, monitor set-ups and importing some of the new camcorder formats like the Flip cameras. NOTE: This session is primarly of interest to the Bogart OS Casablanca - owners of Smart Edit Casablanca systems will find little value in this lesson.
Your Video Expert Webinar: Video Sharing Websites
In this session Chet Davis will present the background info and tips for selecting a website host and learn how to start sharing your videos over the internet.
This webinar also includes a 15-page PDF booklet that you may download (and print) that contains a summary of the steps presented along with some additional resources.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Galileo Archival Software for Media Manager
In this session Chet presented a lesson explaining the functions of the new Casablanca Galileo software and how to use the product to archive (backup) and restore files from/to your Media Manager Film, Music, and Photo Archives. He also carefully went through how to install the software, how and why to use it and how it differs from the other Casablanca archival/backup options.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Sending Large Files (like video) Via the Internet
Casablanca Expert Chet Davis provides suggestions and tips for sharing large files (video files & clips) to clients & colleagues a distance away. The online services/tools demonstrated in this lesson are You Send It, Sizeable Send, Sugar Sync, Google Docs and Mobile Me iDisk.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Logos & Graphics for Your Casablanca
In this session Chet presents “Creating Logos & Graphics for your Casablanca”.
You will learn some simple techniques using widely available software (for both Windows & Mac PCs) to create logos and graphics for your video productions.
Then Chet will show you how to save them for compatibility with the new Bogart V4 graphic option and also a trick for making your graphic/s work in the Smart Edit OS.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Aspect Ratio Solutions
In this session Chet Davis focuses on the topic: “Aspect Ratio Solutions" with a foundation on the topic, then Chet presents methods to utilize video scenes with differing aspect ratios in your Casablanca video projects. Chet presents detailed steps & results with the Clipboard conversions as well as some new options by cleverly using some Casablanca add-on software to creatively mix dis-similar aspect ratios together.
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Title Effects Pack Two
In this session Chet provides a preview of the Casablanca Title Effects Pack Two software. This titling software is compatible with both Casablanca Smart Edit and Bogart OS editors. The 16 title operators in this package provide you with creative options to make your titles zip and zing!
Casablanca Expert Webinar: Importing Audio Into Your Casablanca
In this session Chet presents a session on Importing Audio into Casablanca. He will address the most common audio formats (WAV, MP3, and AIFF) and how to convert them for Casablanca compatibility. And you will learn the different options to import these audio sources into your Smart Edit & Bogart Casablanca editor.
Candy Factory Intensive
Chet Davis walks you through the many settings in the powerful Casablanca Candy Factory software.
Title Studio Intensive
Chet Davis takes you through the intricacies of the new Casablanca Title Studio software.
Casablanca Web Lesson Episode 17: Getting Your Video Online
Casablanca Expert Private Tutor
You can benefit from a Private Tutor session with the Casablanca Expert Chet Davis to cover whatever topics interest you the most!
Smart Edit 8/Bogart 2: Tutorial & Tips
In this 3-DVD set, Casablanca expert Chet Davis walks you through the entire Smart Edit 8/Bogart 2 Casablanca Operating System.
DVD Arabesk 4 Intensive
Chet Davis guides through an intenstive training of the capabilities provided by the Casablanca DVD authoring software Arabesk 4.
Understanding the Media Manager
Chet Davis takes you through the intricacies of the new Casablanca Media Manager.
Photo Studio Intensive
Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the features of the Casablanca Photo Studio software
Columbus Intensive: Animating Travel Maps
Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the Casablanca Columbus - map & travel animation software.
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 1
* Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 1 Range Operator & Video Inserts, Creating Layered Effects with Scene Operrator, Importing True Type Fonts into Casablanca Title menu.
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 2
* Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 2 * Candy Factory Titles * Custom Title Screen * Full-motion video cube
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 3
* Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 3: Using the Pattern generator in the Casablanca Image Pool, Why and how to use the DVD Trailer+Menu function in Arabesk, Creating Split-Screen effects using both the Split Screen & Split Screen 2 Transition effects.
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 5
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 5 * Creating a simple photo montage - using PowerKey and the new Auto-Transitions Options * Using the Clipboard to move scenes and audio samples between projects - highlighting the new functions in Smart Edit 8/Bogart 2 * Using Disk Transfer to archive/move your finished scenes and projects
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 7
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 7 * Editing to the Beat * Using the Templates for Chapter and Main Menu creation in Arabesk 4
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 8
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 8 * Using BlueBox World to separate/remove chroma (colors) from a scene * The difference between J-cuts and L-cuts and how to use them in your productions
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 9
Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 9: How to use QuadCam software to switch multi-camera events in your Casablanca, Using the Box options in the Casablanca titler to produce more creative titles.